OpenViewNft Market

Discover rare artworks by world class artists

Embark on a Journey of Boundless Creativity and Digital Ownership with OpenViewNFT: Where Artistic Visionaries and Blockchain Pioneers Unite for Unprecedented NFT Experiences.

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Top Sellers

  1. Monica Lucas 782.2 ETH
  2. Mamie Barnett 750.1 ETH
  3. Lori Hart 699.21 ETH
  4. Jimmy Wright 672.19 ETH
  5. Karla Sharp 587 ETH
  6. Gayle Hicks 500 ETH
  7. Claude Banks 498.78 ETH
  8. Franklin Greer 475.16 ETH
  9. Stacy Long 450 ETH
  10. Ida Chapman 415.08 ETH
  11. Fred Ryan 414.16 ETH

How It Works

Set up your wallet

Create an account or sign in to your existing account.

Add your NFT's

Select a suitsable name and image for your nft snd upload.

Sell your NFT's

Once your NFTs are listed, potential buyers can view and purchase them.